Comprehensive protection with Web Application Firewall

Web applications have increased the speed and accessibility to business information for an organization’s customers, partners and employees. And at the same time, delivering tangible savings. Business applications for accounting, collaboration, customer relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise Resource Management (ERP), content management, online banking, E-commerce, and many more, are all available on the Web...and all of them house valuable, sensitive data! Unfortunately, hackers realized this much before organizations could.

Web application firewall (WAF) is positioned to monitor website traffic, with the ability to enforce policy on browser/server transactions. WAFs are specifically designed to inspect HTTP/HTTP(s) traffic and regulate data contained within headers, URL parameters, and web content. It also has the ability to prevent sensitive information from leaving the trusted network.

WAF provide better web filtering capabilities as they have the ability to examine the payload of the packet also having the ability to examine the entire network packet. WAF effectively prevent from attacks such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, Denial of Service (DoS) and more. By customizing the rules to your application, many attacks can be identified and blocked.

Benefits of Web Application Firewall :

  • It can automatically discover unprotected applications.
  • It learns how applications work, identifies how attacks could be carried out and provides guidance to administrators on how to tune the security.
  • It can handle various methods of authentication and simplify security for users with single sign on, to simplify and secure access to web applications.
  • It can analyze user behavior to identify and block abnormal activity, and it will be able to evaluate user reputation and restrict the access of hackers.
  • It can ensure in-session browser security to prevent compromised devices from turning into data leakage vectors.
  • Its workflow-based visual representation of policy provides a productive environment for administrators who need to manage applications, optimize data flows and adjust policy to every changing applications.

This type of WAF application is strongly needed especially by organizations that do most of their transactions through the internet. There are several advantages that come with the firewall, regardless of the size of business operation network you are running.

These include :

  • Proactive protections against reactive security
  • Advanced SSL traffic performance standards
  • Optimal security against both unknown and know web application attacks
  • Specialized assurance that web applications are being utilized exactly as they should be
  • Secure the web application processing of delicate information within industries like healthcare, government, financial services and e-commerce
  • Stops the manipulation of malicious actions on the internet
  • Easy to use with no special training required for administrators

Nebero Unified threat Management (UTM) deals with various threats. It covers feature like web application firewall that ensures the purity of web application in response to server requests, protecting them against various attacks. We also maintain full network protection against different web servers that try to hack into and tamper with your network.

Posted on October 16, 2015 at 6:25 pm

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